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NOTE: the calculator while quite accurate, it is not a 100% representation of Talon Tales' gameplay. It is highly discouraged to base in-game purchases on results obtained through this calculator.

Character Simulator

  [delete saved data]
Base Stats
/ /
LV JobLV Class

Remaining Status Points48
Extended Info

Max HP Max SP DEF MDEF HIT FLEE Perfect Dodge Critical ATK MATK ASPD HP Regen SP Regen
40 11 0+1 0+1
WOE: 0+1
2 2
WOE: 1
1.1 1.3 1+0
WOE: 1+0
1~1 150.2 1 1

Weapon Settings
Speed Potion:     Weapon Type:

Weapon & Armor / Cards
Weapon: Attribute:

Item Data

Passive / Duration Skills
Supportive / Party Skills

Monster Combat Simulator

Attack Skills:   

no picture available =(
Monster MobDB
HP 36140 BaseExp 8469
ATK 1600~2150 JobExp6268
DEF 55 + 64~72 Race Demi-Human
MDEF 50 + 57 Element Shadow4
Perfect Hit 167 Size Large
95% Dodge 289
By region
Combat Results
Hit Ratio5%
Dodge Ratio6.04%
Critical Damage1
Critical Rate0%
Minimum Damage1
Average Damage1
Maximum Damage1
Damage Per Second0.05
Minimum Number of HitsOver 10000 Hits
Average Number of HitsOver 10000 Hits
Maximum Number of HitsInfinite (no 100% Hit)
Average Battle DurationToo High to Calculate
Average SP Cost0
Base Exp Per HitImmesurable
Job Exp Per HitImmesurable
Average Damage Recieved1875 (1600~2150)
Average Damage Recieved (w/dodge)1761.66 Damage
-- Special Skills --
EarthquakeNot Available
Hell's Judgment
Monster Buffs
Monster Debuffs
Monster Skills
Monster Stats
Monster Status

Buffs, items and other stuff

--Anything below this line will only be saved via URL--

Miscellaneous Effects
Guild Skills
Gospel Effects
Music and Dance Skills
Items (Food / Etc.)

--NOTHING below this line will be saved!--

Additional Effects
Manual Edits

Minimum Delay Between Active Skills: s